Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Looks like Prices Point!

The logical preferred site for an LNG gas hub in the Kimberley is Prices Point because of its proximity to Broome with its existing infrastructure. One of the key factors for the Joint Venture in their decision is the employment of an initial workforce of over 4000 which reduces to 500 in the longer term.

The Shire has rightly called for an urgent full Social Impact review to be undertaken. Will this Venture ‘break the poverty cycle’ in the Broome or will it further push the disadvantaged to the fringe because of higher prices? Won’t most of the gas industry jobs be in fact specialist positions?

Let’s not kid ourselves that the opposition of a few thousand Broome residents will stand in the way of the State and Federal Government when billions of dollars of revenue are at stake. Colin Barnett has warned that ‘he will bypass the consultation process and acquire land for the processing hub if an agreement with traditional owners can't be reached’.

If the Joint Venture aims to process gas by 2013, can’t they pipe it to the Pilbara or Darwin and leave the pristine beauty of the Kimberley in tact for Eco tourism which will generate a vast number of jobs.

Brian Kane Broome.

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